Tuesday, 11 July 2023

required_if_provider In Odoo

In Odoo, the "required_if_provider" parameter is used in fields to make them required based on the selected value of another field that represents a provider.

When defining fields in an Odoo model, you can set the "required_if_provider" parameter on a field to specify that it should be required if a specific provider is selected. This parameter is typically used in combination with related fields or selection fields representing providers. 

Here's an example to illustrate the usage of "required_if_provider":

from odoo import fields, models

class MyModel(models.Model):

    _name = 'my.model'

    provider = fields.Selection([

        ('provider1', 'Provider 1'),

        ('provider2', 'Provider 2'),

        ('provider3', 'Provider 3')

    ], string='Provider')

    field1 = fields.Char(string='Field 1')

    field2 = fields.Char(string='Field 2', required_if_provider='provider1')

    field3 = fields.Char(string='Field 3', required_if_provider='provider2')

In this example, we have a model called my.model with three fields: "provider", "field1", "field2", and "field3". The "provider" field is a selection field representing different providers.

  • If the value of the "provider" field is set to "provider1", the "field2" becomes a required field, meaning that the user must provide a value for field2 to successfully save the record.

  • If the value of the "provider" field is set to "provider2", the "field3" becomes a required field, and the user must provide a value for "field3"  to save the record.

The "required_if_provider" parameter allows you to conditionally enforce field requirements based on the selected provider value, providing flexibility in data validation based on specific conditions in your Odoo models.

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